11 July 2008

dying batteries and finding the source

We love our gadgets.

Cell phones and iPods…my Kindle…

They can be terrible distractions from the world going on around us. Every so often, they can also reinforce truths that we so easily lose on this journey.

You see, Kindle has an amazing battery life. I can read hours a day for a full week and never once think about the battery. It can dazzle me and entertain me. It can bring me an incredible breadth of emotion and fullness, all from its little digital-paper screen. Eventually, though, it does die. And, almost in defeat, I plug it into the wall, allowing it to reconnect with the power source that allows it to be the magical little device it is.

Just this week, I recognized that I have been disconnected from my Source for too long. We do that, don’t we? We push and push and some of us have an incredible battery life. We then maximize it by plugging in for little sips from time to time, enough to get through the next day or week. But we rarely recognize the value in a long, quiet recharge. We often fail to apply common sense to our own lives.

I am sure that everyone could tell me how long their cell phone would last without being charged. Twenty-four hours, maybe a little more… I would guess that most have us have learned to plug the cell phone in every night. We’re really quite disciplined about it. But our hearts are that way too, aren’t they?

I need to stop relying on battery life, vaguely remembering the feeling of being fully charged. Qualitative and quantitative shifts are required. It’s time to reconnect to the Source.


  1. Have you ever noticed that the lights are brighter and processing faster for laptops when they're plugged in versus running on batteries (stored remnants of active energy)?

    I find the same to be true spiritually exponentially.
