09 July 2007


Very simply, we are overwhelmed.

We are overwhelmed with the reality that we are going to live out of 3 suitcases for who knows how long - and that it all starts today.

We are overwhelmed by the love we have received as we leave.

Moving to Africa, I have learned, is one of the best ways to attend your own funeral. Understandably, people have been compelled to share with us as we go. So, for the beautiful eulogy, we can only say thank you.

Stef and I cannot imagine a more generous, supportive, loving set of family and friends than the one we have been given. Your tears have meant the world to us. Your anonymous notes (one filled with cash - thank you whoever you are), wonderful emails, and heartfelt tears have reminded us why we are doing what we are doing. The fact that we have anything to live on, much less anything to feed the orphans with, is completely due to the generosity of old friends and complete strangers. We are humbled and quieted by the outpouring. And we pray that your hearts are filled as you think of God’s beautiful children, once abandoned and alone, sitting in our arms, laughing and eating and just being children.

We go because our hearts are burdened for the people. We go because God so loved the world. We go...with you.

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